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A continuación su lista de publicaciones técnicas y científicas, espero las encuentre útiles.

Por favor comparta este correo con sus colegas.

¡Muchas Gracias!

José Cisneros
Director, CALS International Programs

Sydney Robling
Student Assistant, Horticultural Science

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
North Carolina State University
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Boletines Técnicos y Científicos

Publicaciones en Español

Resultados y Lecciones en Cultivo del Nogal en Zona Sur
Tratamientos Precosecha de Radiación Ultravioleta-B para Aumentar la Calidad Fucional de Lechugas "Baby" Hidropónicaso
La Nueva Responsabilidad Social Corporativa: Una Llamada para la Sosteniblidad en la Educación Empresarial
La Fruticultura del Siglo XXI en España

Publicaciones en Inglés

Effect of Intra-Row Spacing on Growth and Development of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Variety Roma-VF under the Irrigated Conditions of East Gojjam Zone, Ethiopia
The Potency of Three Botanical Powders in Preventing Cowpea Infestation by Weevil (Callosobruchus maculatus)
Chitosans of Different Molecular Weight Enhance Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Yield in a Field Trial
Effect of Crop Load on the Phenological, Vegetative and Reproductive Behavior of the 'Frantoio' Olive Tree (Olea europaea L.)
Increasing the Shelf Life of Post-harvest Table Grapes (Vitis vinífera cv. Thompson Seedless) Using Different Packaging Material with Copper Nanoparticles to Change the Atmosphere
Influence of Plum Rootstocks on Agronomic Performance, Leaf Mineral Nutrition and Fruit Quality of 'Catherina' Peach Cultivar in Heavy-Calcareous Soil Conditions
The System of Crop Intensification: Agroecological Innovations for Improving Agricultural Production, Food Security, and Resilience to Climate Change
Setting Up and Running a Small-Scale Business Producing High-Value Foods






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