
Les copio el comunicado de prensa emitido por la organización pública que vela por la salud en Canadá, Health Canada, sobre el trabajo de Seralini. Esta es la manera como los organismos públicos funcionan en otros países.

Hasta este momento no existe NINGUN comunicado de prensa de NINGUNA agencia u OPD, Ministerio, etc del estado peruano que haya dicho algo en relación a este estudio. Para ellos es como si no existiera. Tampoco, lo han hecho los Colegios Profesionales, Universidades Públicas, etc. Sus razones tendrán.

No me gustan las teorías conspirativas pero pienso que existe una razones por las cuales las agencias, especialmente el MINAM y/o MINSA mantienen silencio. Para los funcionarios es un Catch-22, no importan lo que hagan pierden (especialmente los del MINAM).

Me explico: si se ponen del lado de la ciencia (y el resto de la comunidad científica mundial) y critican al trabajo de Seralini (como creo que deberían hacerlo) se estarían tumbando las mismas razones que usaron para convencer a los Congresistas de votar por la Moratoria (los trabajos previos de Seralini fueron parte importante de la munición que usaron). Si se ponen del lado de Seralini y piden al gobierno prohibir la importación de maíz OGM (una lógica conclusión como organismos que velan por la salud de los peruanos) serían el hazmerreir del mundo pues esa toma de posición sería rápidamente tomada en cuenta por una comunidad científica mundial en estado de alerta por el escándalo Seralini y no tendrían cara para promulgar el próximo reglamento de la Moratoria, a todas luces restrictivo y medioeval.

¿Que es lo que harán?  Lo más probable es que no hagan nada y apuesten a que los sucesos de La Parada, revocatoria, y otras cosas que no faltan en nuestro folklore político, los cubra de la vergüenza y pasen piola como se dice en criollo.

Mientras tanto los consumidores peruanos solo saben del trabajo de Seralini por lo que informan los medios. Y ya sabemos lo que dicen. Una vergüenza.

Abajo les copio el comunicado de Health Canada. Notarán que la agencia canadiense también menciona a otras agencias e instituciones de otros países. Si, ya sé que para algunos en la lista, Health Canada también está en "cahoots" con las transnacionales de los OGMs, etc, etc. Allá ellos si siguen pensando eso.



PD. He resaltado en amarillo, algunas líneas que considero importantes.

Séralini et al. (2012) publication on a 2-year rodent feeding study with glyphosate formulations and GM maize NK603

Food Directorate
Health Products and Food Branch
Health Canada

Animal Feed Division
Animal Health Directorate
Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Pest Management Regulatory Agency
Health Canada

October 25, 2012
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In September 2012, the scientific team headed by Dr. Gilles-Eric Séralini at the University of Caen in France published the results of a long term toxicity study of Roundup Ready Maize NK603 and the herbicide Roundup (glyphosate-containing products) in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology [G.-E. Séralini et al. Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize Food Chem. Toxicol. (2012)].

Following a review of the published data, scientists from Health Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) have identified significant shortcomings in the study design, implementation and reporting. The methodology used was inadequately described, the full data set was not presented, and the data that was reported was not presented in a transparent manner. Furthermore, the statistical methods used by the authors to analyse the data were judged to be inappropriate. These limitations make the validity of the study results difficult to determine.

In reviewing the study by G.-E. Séralini et al., Health Canada and CFIA scientists considered both industry supplied regulatory safety dossiers as well as published scientific literature with respect to NK603 corn and the herbicide glyphosate. Based on Health Canada and CFIA's review of this information, the authors' conclusions concerning the long term safety of NK603 corn and glyphosate are not supported. As a result, Health Canada and CFIA scientists have concluded that no change to the existing authorization of Roundup Ready Maize NK603 or the herbicide glyphosate would be recommended at this time. To permit further comprehensive analysis, Health Canada and the CFIA have requested the complete set of raw data from the study authors.  (que esperen sentados, Seralini ya dijo que no compartirá sus datos: LDSB).

Reviews of this paper have also been published by the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR)Footnote 1i, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)Footnote 2ii, Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ)Footnote 3iii, and the Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail (ANSES)Footnote 4iv. All of these reviews concluded that study design, the presentation and interpretation of the data are flawed. As such, all four agencies concluded that it was not possible to give weight to the study results and concluded that there was no reason to revisit the safety evaluation of NK603. These food safety assessment bodies also requested that the authors of the study provide them with raw data for further analysis.

Roundup Ready Maize NK603 is a herbicide tolerant maize variety first approved for Canadian food and feed use in 2001. Health Canada and the CFIA evaluated an extensive array of molecular, toxicological, nutritional and chemical testing data on NK603 prior to authorizing its use in Canada. Roundup Ready maize NK603 is also currently permitted for use as a food and feed in many countries and its safety has been carefully examined by health authorities around the world. The herbicide glyphosate and products containing glyphosate (e.g., Roundup) are registered pesticides in Canada supported by extensive scientific data that meet strict health and environmental standards.

The overwhelming body of scientific evidence continues to support the safety of NK603, genetically modified food and feed products in general, and glyphosate containing herbicides. However, whenever new information concerning the safety of an authorized product arises, this new data is carefully reviewed. Should any risks of concern be identified from the consumption of NK603 or exposure to glyphosate, Health Canada and the CFIA will take appropriate action.
Luis De Stefano Beltrán, Ph.D.
Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
Av Honorio Delgado 430
Lima 31, Perú
Skype: ludes1982
Twitter: @LuisDeStefano

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